
Stepping Stone

Hello everybody as you may or may not know I am promoting my upcoming album and I am giving 1 free song away to people who send me their email. I want to give you my fans a chance to listen to some of the songs on upcoming album. Kandelyte Entertainment has agreed to release some of the songs for free to the general public. So this my gift to you make sure  you email me saying you want your free copy and personally send it out to you. Be sure to follow me on the following sites listed and thanks for your support.


Blakk North

follow me list:
peavico.com click on Kandelyte Entertainment


Kandelyte Presents

Get your hands on one of our free promo disc. Follow us on Facebook to get details on how you can get a free cd.

Music By Kandelyte

Hello my name is Todd nice to meet you. We at Kandelyte Entertainment want to welcome you to our online opinion blog here is where we allow the public to tell us what song they would like to here on the radio from our artist music catalog. As always we offer new music at the following website: www.cdbaby.com/cd/BlakkNorth please give us your feed back on this artist music. You can also follow us on face book under the name Kandelyte Entertainment find out what's hot with the company and how you can get your hands on a promo disc. Click on this www.cdbaby.com/cd/BlakkNorth.......We also encourage you to visit Blakk North one our up coming artist find him on face book or blackplanet websites and let him know what you think of his music.

Thank you,
